Sweetheart variations – 3

Yes, after the pink dress and the red one, there was a third one… I’m not sure I have much to tell about this last one without repeating myself terribly. Let’s just add that I seldom wear any black and white clothes: because they’re so contrasting, I often find they have too much “charisma” toContinue reading “Sweetheart variations – 3”

The shirtdress

Is there any type of garment more magical than a dress? With, maybe, the coat, the dress is the only garment that really draws a silhouette. Other types of clothes have to work together to compose a silhouette, an ensemble _ only the dress is self-sufficient. I didn’t wear any during a long time: asContinue reading “The shirtdress”

Me-made-may – 1

As previously stated, I challenged myself to take part of Me-made-may for the first time, wearing a handmade or refashioned garment everyday. Like many seamstresses, I noticed I didn’t wear my handmade clothes that often (with the exception of my Pavot coat): on a day-to-day basis, I end to slip into my ready-to-wear jeans, tees andContinue reading “Me-made-may – 1”