I’m a rather monotonous girl: whenever there’s a garment I like, I tend to buy it in multiple colors. The same goes for sewing: whenever a pattern is tried and true, I tend to plan a lot of other versions of it (which I may make or not: sewing takes a little _ lots ofContinue reading “Popsicle”
Tag Archives: spring
The shirtdress
Is there any type of garment more magical than a dress? With, maybe, the coat, the dress is the only garment that really draws a silhouette. Other types of clothes have to work together to compose a silhouette, an ensemble _ only the dress is self-sufficient. I didn’t wear any during a long time: asContinue reading “The shirtdress”
“Hey! I did my Koromogae, last week-end! _ Your what, Carlotta?” My love for weird foreign concept (or, should we simply call it snobism?) won’t do me any good. Koromogae, if you briefly lived in Japan (or read a lot of shojo mangas), is the big wardrobe turnover that Japanese students and salarymen do twiceContinue reading “Koromogae”
Isn’t spring fabulous? Always managing to make me doubt of its very existence, then appearing when I forgot everything about its supposed come-back (and letting me die of heat under my winter coat). But some parisians remembered to hear the weather report this week and sat in shirts at tables outside of the cafés, andContinue reading “Bloom!”