A shirtdress amongst the rusty leaves

This was in October, in Paris, before I left for Thailand – with Noctvrna, we couldn’ see each other as often as we would have liked since I had moved to another city, and we had settled to meet for a photo shoot before I took the plane for vacations. Since winter sewing is notContinue reading “A shirtdress amongst the rusty leaves”

The shirtdress

Is there any type of garment more magical than a dress? With, maybe, the coat, the dress is the only garment that really draws a silhouette. Other types of clothes have to work together to compose a silhouette, an ensemble _ only the dress is self-sufficient. I didn’t wear any during a long time: asContinue reading “The shirtdress”


Isn’t spring fabulous? Always managing to make me doubt of its very existence, then appearing when I forgot everything about its supposed come-back (and letting me die of heat under my winter coat). But some parisians remembered to hear the weather report this week and sat in shirts at tables outside of the cafés, andContinue reading “Bloom!”