Oh hello!

I’m back! Summer seems to be my favorite sewing season. But who doesn’t love summer clothes, so light and so bright? I, for one, since I can’t stand more than 79°F. But when in May, as the days get longer, the flowers bloom and the shop windows are filled with vividly colored clothes at lats, IContinue reading “Oh hello!”

Me-made-may – 1

As previously stated, I challenged myself to take part of Me-made-may for the first time, wearing a handmade or refashioned garment everyday. Like many seamstresses, I noticed I didn’t wear my handmade clothes that often (with the exception of my Pavot coat): on a day-to-day basis, I end to slip into my ready-to-wear jeans, tees andContinue reading “Me-made-may – 1”


Isn’t spring fabulous? Always managing to make me doubt of its very existence, then appearing when I forgot everything about its supposed come-back (and letting me die of heat under my winter coat). But some parisians remembered to hear the weather report this week and sat in shirts at tables outside of the cafés, andContinue reading “Bloom!”