Gingham summer

Vacations have come to an end, but not the summer, which fortunately ends on september 21st. Which leaves me the chance to show what I’ve been up to since june, and also the hope that I’ll get to wear my new clothes a few times before the beginning of fall. I changed a few thingsContinue reading “Gingham summer”

The Donkeyskin complex

This blog has been a little drowsy lately. I haven’t been idle (I even made big progress on my summer essentials), but my (usually pretty vivid) coquetry definitely was: readers, I think I suffer from a Donkeyskin complex. The Donkeyskin complex (Donkeyskin seems like a fairly French fairytale, but as you can check here, it’sContinue reading “The Donkeyskin complex”

Toward a better balance

The day when we’re all as elegant as a drawing by Gruau, well, will be a great day for fashion indeed… This week and the week before, I shopped a few items on sales. It’s a rather non-remarkable fact, but what’s more remarkable is that I didn’t purchase anything but a pair of shoes andContinue reading “Toward a better balance”

My imaginary suitcase

Phew! My mémoir is written at last! And I even had the time to sketch a little. I barely mentioned it, but I intend to participate to the 2011 edition of Summers Essentials Sew-along, despite the fact that this kind of challenges didn’t prove to be very successfull for me. But first, it seems thatContinue reading “My imaginary suitcase”

Head in a cloud (of images)

I’m not done with the gigantic paper I have to write yet, but phew! things are looking up. By the way, I hope you like the illustration today: the original was on auction at Christie’s last April, and I think it stands perfectly for the enchanting movie I’m currently working on, the quirky maze ofContinue reading “Head in a cloud (of images)”

Pretty frilly things

This month, lingerie is all I can think of. I feel like my brain had been replaced by a knickers drawer. But I must admit that there were a lot of things to drive me to the subject, lately… First there was this post from fashion blogger Alix (aka the Cherry Blossom Girl), a previewContinue reading “Pretty frilly things”